Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Modul pembelajaran kelas X1

Tell me about it, please!
1. Spoken Cycle 
 A. Build up you knowledge
Activity 1: Discuss briefly with your partner!
  • What do you see in the picture 1?
  • Can you give a short definition of the object?
  • Tell more about it: the part of the body, the functions and behaviors.
  • What about the object in picture 2?
What is Report?

Report are used for many purposes ( the social function); to describe the way thing are, with reference to a range of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment. Report ca n be used in textbooks, encyclopedias, scientific magazine, historical texts, factual reading books, reference books, classroom lesson, environment program, TV documentaries, etc. A report text has its own generic structure, having two components:  (1) generic classification and (2) description. Report are principally not the same as descriptive texts, descriptive text focuses on specific thing and its specific features, report deals with thing in general.

Generic structure of report:
    1. general classification : tell what the phenomenon under discussion is.
    2. description ; tell what the phenomenon under discussion is like in term of :
·         pats ( and their functional)
·         qualities
·         habits or behaviors (for living things)
·         difference between report and description: report classify and describe a whole class of things, e.g.” cats” (in general) and  descriptive text talk about one specific person, place or thing, e.g. “my cat”. In short, report deal with general classification and description of thing while descriptive text describe particular thing. 
·         The report can cover the facts about various aspect of an object (part, color, shape, habits, behaviors etc).

Lexicogrammatical  features:
  1. report text usually use simple present tense, seldom use past tenses ( if the thing is extinct)
  2. use of adjectives, adjective phrases in describing especially the qualities
  3. the language is natural or should be objective: no expression of opinions, no reference to reader ( not using “I”, “we” or “you”), except in spoken texts.
  4. use of “be”: is, are, was, were, for the classification
  5. use of verb” : have, has, had, to give detailed description.
  6. use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing behaviors (for living things)
Essential Grammar point: Adjectives
Adjectives are used in most types of texts, especially I n report  and descriptions. The used of adjectives should be known to help us understand spoken and written texts and produce them. You will study the function and the uses of adjective in noun phrase and sentences.
Study the examples :
  1. A baby kangaroo                 is          tiny.
(subject noun phrase)               (to be)      (adjective)
  1. Gorillas   are   very powerful.
(subject)   (to be)          (adjective)
  1.  An apples are usually has smooth        skin
                                                  (adjective)  (noun)
  1. The flash of mango  becomes          sweet        when ripe.
                                               (linking verb)        (adjective)
Main function of adjectives
Adjective principally function to describe, qualify or modify nouns. The noun which is modified can be the subject noun (see example a and b)and the one which is put  after the adjective (see example c). some adjectives are sometimes use after linking verb ( see example d) .
Common form of adjectives
1.     the based of words (no affixes)
-       happy
-       sad
-       great
-       short, etc
2.     with a suffix 9affixes added to the end of a word):
-       ……ful : beautiful, wonderful
-       …..less : careless, fearless
-       …..ent/and : consistent/ significant
-       …..ive : creative, imaginative, etc
-       …..ous : serious, dangerous
-       ….ical/ial : critical/ potential
-       …..ibe/ able: possible, breakable, forgettable
3.     –ing from (present participle) and –end (past participle)
-       interesting
-       fascinating
-       exhausted, etc
Position of adjectives
1.     after “ to be”
e.g. the taste is delicious.
2.     before nouns
e.g. Houses usually have strong foundation  made of solid materials.
3.     after “a linking verb” (certain verb followed immediately by and adjective)
e. g. Tigers turned wild when they felt a threat

Activity 2: write short sentences using the following adjectives.
  1. strong (after “to be )
  2. delicious (before noun)
  3. yellow (before noun )
  4. pale ( after linking verb)
  5. empty (before noun)
  6. sour (after to be)
  7. bright (after linking verb)
  8. outrageous (after linking verb)
  9. rough (after to be )
  10. compelling (before noun)
B. Study The Model
activity 3. listen carefully to the recording and fill in  the blanks to complete the following text.
Do you know coconuts? Emmh….well today I’d like to tell you about coconuts. Coconuts is a 1………. Kind of fruit, that is produced by tall palm 2………that grows 3………..areas. it is an oval nut 4………has a large fibrous husk. It has smooth green, 5…….., or yellow skin. Inside the nut, there is a thick white 6…….that surrounds a central cavity. When it is still fresh, the cavity is filled with 7…….. the liquid tastes and……..special.
The young 9…..of the white meat and the liquid can made  into many kinds of delicious drink. However, when it is old and the meat 10…….., the flesh can be 11………for coconut milk that is useful for many 12………. The milk can be for making cakes, drink, dish, etc.
The tree has unique part, all of which are 13……… the leave can be for mat, roof, broom and so on. The 14……… can be for wood logs of many purposes. The tree can also be 15……..for ornaments and 16………. In short, the fruit and the tree are useful for human beings.
There are many varieties of coconut, which have specific tastes uses. The liquid of some coconuts can be for 17…..neutralizer.  The sizes are also various: small, medium, and large. Coconut trees are planted and grown in 18……… therefore in such countries as Indonesia, Malaysia, the 19…………countries there are thousand of 20………trees.

Activity 4. After you completed the passage, identify the adjectives used in the text. Then, discuss the meanings and learn uses in the sentences of the text. There are more than 20 adjectives in the text.
    1. ……….                        11. ………………
    2. ……….                        12. …………….
    3. ……….                        13. ………..
    4. ……….                        14. ………….
    5. ……….                        15. ………..
    6. ……….                        16. …………….
    7. ……….                        17. …………….
    8. ………                         18. ………….
    9. ………                         19. ………….
    10. ……...                          20. …………..
Activity 5:  discuss with the class the following question based on the report text.

  1. What is the social function of the text?
Answer :
  1. Where do coconuts grow?
Answer :
  1. Mention the part of a coconut?
Answer :
  1. Can you describe the appearance of coconut?
Answer :
  1. What are the functions of coconut meat?
Answer :
  1. Where does the coconut liquid exist?
Answer :
  1. What we can do with the leaves of coconut trees?
Answer :
  1. Why is coconut useful for human beings?
Answer :
  1. Do you know how long will a coconut produce fruits?
Answer :
  1. Retell the text in your own words?
Answer :

Activity 6. Discuss the meanings of the words below. Then classify the parts of speech of the words: noun, adjective, and verb. 
  1. sort                                          11. seed
  2. evergreen                                 12. grafting
  3. shape                                       13. fertilizer
  4. smooth                                     14. season
  5. ripe                                          15. blooming
  6. varieties
  7. sour
  8. taste
  9. commercial purpose
  10. cultivating

a.            Work Together
You will work together to produce the report text. You will create spoken texts. They can be monolog or dialog. As you finish it, present her result to the class. It is the time you use knowledge you have got. In this section, you do the activities in the team work.

Activity 7. Giving a report about kinds of fruit

  1. Preparation:
In group, create the monolog spoken text of report about kinds of fruit. You can tell about any king of fruit. To make you presentation more interesting, you should bring the real fruit to the class. The followings are the alternative kind of fruit you can choose:
§  Papaya
§  Melon
§  Apple
§  Orange
§  Etc.
Don’t forget that your report should the cover the complete the generic structure components:
-       General Classification             : give a definition of fruit.
-       Description                              : describe the following point
    1. part ( and their function) of the fruit
    2. Qualities of the fruit and its part.
    3. Other the characteristics of the fruit ( more information: plantation, season, etc.  
Note:  However, you may choose another kind of fruit which you think interesting to r        report about.

  1. Presentation
Each of group members should be ready to present orally the report to the other groups. The members of the other group will give comment or ask question on the report.
The presentation arrangement: if the class has six groups and one consists of five members, in the moment of the presentation, each group will be split in to five to present the result of the group’s work. Thus, one member will come to the other group. Stand in front of them and present the text,

11.  Written Cycle
Let’s Have a Review!
To refresh your understanding about generic structure and lexicogrammatical feather of report text, try to fill in the following spaces individually. Write the points, definitions and sample sentences each. Discuss the result with the class. Later you may refer to the detailed information at the first section of this unit.
A.    Generic structure of Report:
1.      ………………
2.      ………………
B.     Lexicogrammatical Features:
1.      Tense used in report: ………………
The pattern: ……………
2.      the use of “to be” in simple present tense
“to be” of simple Present tense: ……, …..’ …… .
E. g. (a sentence of general classification / definition of thing)………
3.      The use of adjectives ( to show qualities of thing)
       e.g. (a sentence)…………..
Written by Suarni, S.Pd, SMA SWADHIPA NATAR,on Tuesday Februari 28,2012

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